Discuss the poetry of Jorge Valbuena is talking about the enduring ability of the human imagination. No breaks traditional structures, and his work is a speculation of rupture. However, the immanence of a strong and consistent images in each of his poems demonstrates the commitment he has with language. None of his poems is incidental. There is no chance when the word essential, elusive to many writers, holds a flawless transition poetic. Short lines, but decisive. Lines as before reflection or broken glass / broken time / I think of undress / so fragmented in the ice ... or these others, in his poem Endemic, in a deep libertarian sensibility: in the windows of the memory / bones abundant / sores have outlined the fear / oblivion has made a graveyard / ash / eyes / tired of repeating / deny his reflection, are clear examples of diversification under the rigor of the word. In Valbuena reflect conscious and unconscious influences, perhaps, of poets like Jorge Bocannera, Oliver and Roberto Girondo Juarroz. In most of his lyrics, there is a splitting of self, a hidden internal inquiry into events. In the words of J. Derrida: "An enduring pursuit, subject to the will of the human experience." One example is the poem pain tomb, when he says this tomb / and all his pain on / I hereby / tonight and the burial / these hands are cold and dying / the dark blood that refuses to go out and evaporation / in this half of me / I feel now / half of you / and final. Valbuena's poetry crosses the edges of the attic, driving a subtle irony that is seen in poems such as Phantasmagoria, or the one who called Smoke Signals. Another feature that define the poetics of Colombia is the high end the last verse. It must be remembered that one of the greatest difficulties have time to write poetry is precisely the clarity of the idea to the final verse (though the poet frees up the floor to reader interpretation), Valbuena lucidly that circumvents inconvenience. Renowned poet
Roberto Resendiz, warning Jorge Valbuena poetry, has made favorable comments from his lyrics. No wonder, then, that Resendiz you have extended an invitation to this year's International Gathering of poets and writers of Michoacan, Mexico, which was terminated a few weeks ago, nor is it a coincidence that the award was granted Bonaventure International Poetry 2010, among more than 1,300 jobs worldwide, for the series Pendulum and Other Poems. It has also occupied the second place in the National Poetry Award of the memory word, organized by the Central University for young poets. Valbuena, a scarce 24 years, has managed to soar, slowly, with Gil and Leonardo Santiago Cepeda, as one of the best bets of the current Colombian poetry.
His broken shell
In the bowels of the shadow
Change skin
From gadgets
And soak your eyes
night crying
heal Sore
light of the chandeliers
Roberto Resendiz, warning Jorge Valbuena poetry, has made favorable comments from his lyrics. No wonder, then, that Resendiz you have extended an invitation to this year's International Gathering of poets and writers of Michoacan, Mexico, which was terminated a few weeks ago, nor is it a coincidence that the award was granted Bonaventure International Poetry 2010, among more than 1,300 jobs worldwide, for the series Pendulum and Other Poems. It has also occupied the second place in the National Poetry Award of the memory word, organized by the Central University for young poets. Valbuena, a scarce 24 years, has managed to soar, slowly, with Gil and Leonardo Santiago Cepeda, as one of the best bets of the current Colombian poetry.
His broken shell
In the bowels of the shadow
Change skin
From gadgets
And soak your eyes
night crying
heal Sore
light of the chandeliers
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