duranguense Hazzel Yen writer presented his latest written work called "Broken Music" to a large audience who witnessed this fact in Hall Councils.
a publication of the Centennial Collection The Institute of Culture of the State of Durango (ICED) has been promoting as supporting local writers, while the Municipal Institute of Art and Culture (IMAC) promoted the presentation of the same work registering the event in the City Festival Ricardo Castro 2010.
The presentation was discussed by writers Ernesto Oliveira and Gilberto Lastra, who led his admiration of the named author for creating a work full of genuine poetry landing various topics related to the current environment.
In an interview with The Voz de Durango, Yen revealed their concerns regarding this work, which is made up of verses poems linked to feelings, love and other features that invite reflection.
"Music is broken reference to the verse and poetry is music, all creation and what we are surrounded to me is music, is the verb to be in harmony and sound and is done in that line," explains the writer.
"Broken Music" unravels a change in the life cycle of Yen, who says the music stillness is broken by the constant bustle of the changes currently experienced by man, and this translates it as an omen where human beings are virtually exhausted all its possibilities, which can lead to a future heartbreaking, and it is time to think about it.
The play was first presented on Friday 3 December at 18:30 hrs. Councils in room. Were within the range of events Ricardo Castro Festival 2010 conducted by the Institute for Art and Culture (IMAC), which was attended by renowned local critics of literature.
Hazzel Hazzel Yen Yen
start writing since the age of seven years. He attended several workshops to create eventually publishing literary poems at the age of thirteen. His work has been published in electronic journals and printed in Mexico and other countries.
has had two exhibitions of drawing graphs and participated in several group exhibitions. Currently a member of the Literary Group Signs and Red Durango Independent Writers. Has three unpublished books, "Anatomy of the fairies", "The other kingdom" and "Mazes of Salt."
Source: www.lavozdedurango.com
Durango, Mexico
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