inputs of the poet to me in those early days of my literary road map, were fanatically exclusive events that befall the writer; transferred to the factual textual space vibrations that beat, giving it a unique setting, my life support.
wrote my first two books of poetry, such provisioned and naïve beliefs. Pregnant poems of formal irregularities lacking a unified framework, devoid of plural construction procedures, but of course, extremely full of tensions that supplied bodies febrile verbal resonances, typical of respiratory bustle that make up our daily lives.
Then came, with its dazzling novelistic structure, Vargas Llosa. Then came the turning point in how should besiege, from that fateful discovery, the construction of my texts. No more wrote only subject to my vital impulses. I assumed the premeditated discourse: A priori crawler the subject, disaggregated into specific issues in order to draw a wire, where each poem was necessarily formalized (as micro-chapters succeeding) with subsequent consecutively linked with the deliberate intention to embody a framework that would give unity to the universe represented.
And not only that: also, in advance, outlining what utterances were to delineate the world turned on the fictional areas, which assume that pronominal subjects maker role. I began also to document, to read about the content to make poetry; Science somehow, and for the rest of life that I have, my discursive approaches; corrected as incurable everything obsessed bred, own dynamic assemblies incorporating narratives, leading to an exercise involving metapoetic meddle in theorizing about poetry while poeticized on the blank page, building chemically bookish poems and imposing a regular discipline of, among other implications , not to wait until I see the inspiration, but force the writing because it is time to do so. Vargas Llosa
marked my literary vocation, he not only forged a formidable teaching how to write but also how to take seriously the life of a writer.
Sullana, October 10, 2010.
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