"The metaphor of the bug" - BY Ronal Perez Diaz - WEEKLY "EXPRESSION" (10 February 2011)
Very few writers have managed to stay ahead of his time so singular and extraordinary as did Franz Kafka with their fantasies and hallucinations terrible about "The Metamorphosis", one of his most important works.
disenchanted existence, away from happiness and harmony (apparently family) of a man like Kafka (Prague 1883 - Vienna 1924) ending in the inner desires to escape his reality, run like the cannonball and end become a bridge or a monkey with infinite freedom aspirations (Report to an Academy). But resigned to his fate, oppressed by unknown forces, in short, at the extreme end of a room, concluded to be a Gregor Samsa, who, after a night of endless slumber, sees the day and takes cognizance of which is a giant insect, miserable, monstrous, in response to a world automated and without any sense of values: society more prone to violence than to peace and solidarity.
"One morning, after a restless sleep, Gregor Samsa awoke into a monstrous insect ... numerous legs, painfully thin when compared with the normal thickness of his legs, shook free concert ... "Obviously
Gregorio transformation manifests as a stance of non-acceptance of the schemes and parameters of family and social coexistence.
way, the renowned Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, believes that the rebellious and nonconformist attitude of being turned into a bug "is a clever way of seeking redress for the imposition of unfair that life forces us to be always the same, when we would be many "(A world without novels). Indeed, it is a replica of how tired, upset and concerned that their profession was being "Traveling Salesman" and bad relationships that maintained: insincere friendships based on interests or any other desire, except in the effects of pure feeling.
"How tired is this profession I've chosen! "He said to always travel ... relationships are constantly changing, never become truly cordial and where feelings have no place. "
Given this desperate situation, forced by compelling and incomprehensible attitudes: first her father and other oppressive boss , greatly suspicious, Samsa expressed his anger, his weariness and rebellion, all the horror to work and irregular way of life, articulating understandable, in his capacity as an animal, the following:
"To hell with everything! ... I'm stunned to wake up early so ... I do not sleep enough. "
happens that, after the confusion and emotional outburst by Gregory, noted in its interior two fighting forces: on the one hand, his sense of duty and responsibility to force him to return to work, on the other hand, since insect current perspective of useful object can not let you continue using them. "(Luis Quintana Tejera: Critical considerations on Kafka and The Metamorphosis). In contrast, family reactions are diverse, they also made a metamorphosis that leads from an initial stance of acceptance to a hostile attitude of total rejection. The mother does not understand what happens, submissive, worried about her son but unable to help effectively. However, his sister, Grete, it is more condescending, worried about the brother speaks softly, treats him with tenderness. The rejection, intolerance by the head, while his father, in an adverse position, threatens him with his fist, all generated at the first exit Samsa in his room, showing how a person who rebels openly and without shame against the organized world they represent.
is another place worthy of rescue, the second appearance of his father Gregorio "unleashing a series of manzanazos and one of them has to be embedded in its shell, leading to a disease because of putrefaction the fruit and ultimately result: death. We note
therefore an authoritarian father and a type equivalent to the pattern of repression at work, socially, and that is now generated within the family. However, Grete, in the first part of the story, as already stated, we show kindness, representing, in some way, solidarity with the marginalized, however, at the end of the book change your way of being by indifference absolute, his back to his brother. The mother, weak woman, responds to the traditional models of submission, so are confused with the new way for your child's behavior.
Finally, the gruesome Kafka nightmare tells us, can be read as a metaphor or a projection of his feelings: fear, conflict and depression, all generated by the monotony of life, or as an allegory of the horrors that awaited that terrible flood, the two world wars, totalitarianism and the terrible, depraved Nazi genocide, leading to the idea that their monstrous conclusively proved a reality ahead of hallucinations, a distressing prophecy that still reaches the present day.