A time like no other emerges in Latin America and in the world, a desire energetic exchange. This outbreak is already the literature itself. Perceive between our peoples a great disagreement with regard to social situations through which they pass. Each one of us would like to improve the world. Made us feel that this is impossible, immersing us in a passive indifference, lethargy.
In SIGNS think and feel that make the world better is possible. We believe in the man in the power of words and beauty to reform the spirit. We propose the term as a force illuminating. For this we recognize the new communication technologies as a means of amalgamating the ideas through literature. Although some being apart, we feel that the miles and dividing each country's borders have ceased to exist. Testing the barriers are breaking SIGNS: young writers from diverse areas who have come together to express ourselves. We love literature in all its manifestations. This conviction has brought us together, forming a bridge between Mexico, Peru and Argentina, a bridge of words. SIGNS
is that literature shows us brothers, because through it we shared our feelings, ideas, voices, and we realized that we are not far from each other. No white man or darker, larger or smaller, when a heart beats, blood from the heart is our desire for change, our faith in the word. Arteries by circulating the blood are our feathers.
Latin America is many things: our dialects, the warmth of our temperament, our literature, cultural expressions as rich and diverse, our majestic and mysterious past (later desecrated, enslaved and beaten until today), but more than anything is union, strains that through the centuries have struggled, but still standing and are not afraid; fight.
The word comes from the heart is always young and impetuous revolutionary, because being young, primarily, is knowing renew and renewed, for believing in revolutionizing better. This idea has been constant and have been the revolutions that have allowed us to evolve at all times, plain and simple: it does not move is dead.
To use the word revolution, without being misunderstood, I will depart from its etymology: the word "revolution" comes from the Latin verb scramble, "re-spin." If we consider that the world stops turning, then we are in a constant revolution, a process that is always happening in our lives, as natural and inevitable as the movement.
tend to think that revolutions are bad, they have left armed revolutions in its wake a large number of deaths, abuse, and misery. But not all have to be so. What we propose can be called an "armed revolution", if you want to call "weapons" to the power of words, reason and brotherhood, weapons to wage battle against our own internal barriers, prejudices, boundaries that oppress the being and thought.
In the information age (where we live), the boundaries have been broken, the distances have disappeared and ideas travel at the speed of light. This we must address it to the union, fraternity.
global union for a long time was just an ideal, now it is possible here. Every time we get closer, the only thing that divides us now is ourselves, the barrier of thinking that we impose, examples are: discrimination, prejudice, intolerance, among others.
must change constantly to stay alive, to realize that the boundaries of thought and are broken, and this is causing the change, every time we see more signs of this change.
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