Already a constant deep lyricism in the poetry of Chilean Nobel (1904-1973), We can now appreciate the poems of "Residence on Earth" an attempt to copy intense expression has, in turn, as the core central point total of existence.
Movement is life hereafter. All movement is translated into action. All action is vital energy expenditure, progressive deterioration of the executing agency. We can therefore affirm that man and everything that surrounds it is intended, of course, the destructive course of existence. Thus life is a continuous end. It is as if the sentence from Genesis "you are dust and to dust you shall return" catch us in its cloak endless night, in its passing degenerative forms in which it is ostensibly life.
Movement is life hereafter. All movement is translated into action. All action is vital energy expenditure, progressive deterioration of the executing agency. We can therefore affirm that man and everything that surrounds it is intended, of course, the destructive course of existence. Thus life is a continuous end. It is as if the sentence from Genesis "you are dust and to dust you shall return" catch us in its cloak endless night, in its passing degenerative forms in which it is ostensibly life.
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) understood this process very thoroughly, for, if we delve into the analysis of his poetic glimpse at its coherent imaginative vision "Residence on Earth", what we are expounding. Dead Gallop's poem is already an attempt to assert the following: all that is in motion tends to be exterminated. There he can see what the poet sings superbly: the disintegration of all that exists, the total collapse of matter: "Like ashes, like seas village / in the submerged slowly, as the report (...) / confusing , weighing, turning to dust / in the same mill of ways too far, or remembered or not seen, / And the perfume of plums rolling land / rot in time, endlessly green. "(Gallop Dead).
The elements on which it is possible to verify the disintegration of matter are: the ash and dust in a lifetime determined by time.
According Jaime Concha, literary translator, there are two forms of destruction in Nerudian poetic system, the first is "corruption of things": "(...) confusing, weighing, and turning to dust ...", the second, "the flight of the experience over time": "(...) in the same mill shapes too far, or remembered or not seen ... "
All destructive process is done" in the same mill "in fate, destiny. The flight is like a get out of themselves, to go to the past for memories, for those moving images while static, but elusive and incomprehensible to the understanding, is a flight: "That's all so fast, so living / But still, like a pulley itself ... "(Gallop Dead).
the day, "the sound" comes to be the length of time which is sensitive and expresses life in all its glory: "From the numbers out loud, / numbers and numbers dying with manure, (...) / A soul resonance the wheel / falling from dreams (...) / From resonance comes the day / gain and grade. .. "(One day is out).
as the day is where "emerging issues" and that's where it provides the breakdown of things, every day, as a process of slow death, "drawn to sound the death ..." (death only) .
Then "the day, despite the light that is, is the realm of destruction, the habitat of aging and death" (Jaime Concha, "Interpretation Residence on Earth "). "(...)
tissue of the day, his canvas weak, / is for a band of sick, / (...) is the color you just want to replace / cover, swallow, overcome, make distances. "(Weak dawn).
Behold, the day is the Last Supper of destruction, is the home where life and death everyday living. It is the dome that traps us with their cry of spider. It is in its stratum, which verifies the complete collapse of the forms, the loss of identity, the rapture of the monad by the destination to re-integrate the primitive origin, chaos oceanic to the eternal night where life is forged quietly and with infinite hope become clear, tangible.
"But what is it made, that surge of pigeons / that between night and time, like a moist ravine?" (Gallop Dead). "You keep the stream of light, broken beings ..." [Alliance (Sonata)].
is the night, as the poet's lucid perception of the cosmos, the carrier of life. It is, in its dark light, where the seed germinates for the expression of a new existence. In short, "Residence on Earth," is presented as an obsessive and pathetic search the strata creators of being "(Jaime Concha:" Interpretation of Residence on Earth "). The night is the mother, her life and she comes back to reside in her womb of the eternal feminine. The night, in short, becomes for the poet, in a piece of time where you are looking for the origins of being and therefore it comes as a man and artist, to find the remains creative, regal art nature and centuries.
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