Thursday, March 24, 2011

Free Kates Playground Samples

Save Press Release Children Of

Children and teens participate actively in public spaces

· launched project that will allow children and adolescents organized Ica and Junín contribute to the formulation of public policies aimed at protecting their rights.

· Representatives of the Ministry of Women and Social Development, officials of regional and local governments will be present at the launch that will take place simultaneously in both regions.

On Friday March 25, simultaneously in the departments of Ica and Junín, will be held to launch the project "The participation of children in building a more democratic, inclusive and more capacity to prevent and respond to violations of the rights of children " led by Save the Children and the European Union.

The main objective of this project to be implemented by the Human Rights Commission of Ica and the Training Center of Junín José María Arguedas, is to strengthen the capacities of children and adolescents, organized for them to exercise so protagonist and his right to active participation in political decision-making forums.

both Ica and Junín, children and adolescents, organized as part of this project will conduct a series of artistic activities and events related to the exercise of their right to participate in decisions and policies that affect them.

Jenny Yamamoto, deputy director of the National Plan of Action for Children's Ministry of Women and Social Development, will attend the launch in the city of Huancayo, capital of the department of Junin. While in Ica will present Mr. Jhon Gamarra, representative of the Department of Children and Adolescents MIMDES.

regional government authorities, local as well as representatives of the European Union and Save the Children will be part of the panel responsible for presenting the project in both regions.

This important initiative, which will take place in Paraguay and El Salvador, with funding from the European Union, which promotes initiatives that are coordinated with the Millennium Development Goals as this project.


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