by nuclear
global debate grows plants
Monday, March 14, 2011
Roller Skating Flooring
Release Date: 14/03/2011
Country / Region : Japan - International
nuclear plants produce about a third of the energy consumed in the European Union. This is why Brussels yesterday convened an emergency meeting of heads of nuclear safety with manufacturers and plant operators, "to assess the consequences of the accident in Fukushima take note of lessons learned. "
In Spain. The Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Miguel Sebastian, soon to leave to ensure that nuclear power plants in Spain "are safe."
Sebastian recalled that the Government "has made a bid for the replacement of plants, provided they meet life which is estimated at 40 years and said the nuclear power park" is young and safe " .
in Germany. Angela Merkel pledged to review the safety of all German nuclear power plants. "We know that our plants are safe, but we must analyze the situation after what happened in Japan, "said Merkel. He cautioned, however, is not the time not thinking about the "changes" in energy policy of his Government.
Following the accident at the Japanese plant, the opposition stepped up its demands to abandon this source of energy, as adopted in 2000. According to this plan, the last of the 17 German nuclear plants should be turned off in 2021. The current center-right government of Merkel abrogated that agreement and agreed to extend the life of the plants an average of 12 years, eight for more 14 years old and the modern.
in France. The country does not think about rethinking Gallo. The French Industry Minister, Eric Besson, defended the safety of his country's nuclear plants. "All nuclear power plants were designed in France watching the seismic and flood risks," he said. France has 58 nuclear reactors providing 80 percent of the country's energy consumption.
In Cordoba. In Argentina there was no official communication about it. However, in certain sectors of the province are concerned about nuclear power dam. The Foundation for Environmental Defense (Funam), headed by biologist Raúl Montenegro, warned months ago that "the Embalse nuclear power is one of the highest environmental and health risk of the country, and this risk increases with age -33 years, the possible extension of life -25 years over-the rising cost of security and the possibility of accidents and terrorist acts. "
addition, at the same time, he cautioned that "this increased risk is also due to the increasing amount of spent nuclear fuel stored on site." FUNAM said "never simulations were the worst event possible. "
"In case of accident most massive discharge of radioactive materials into the air, the negative effects of radioactive contamination could spread to hundreds of kilometers of the plant, and even greater distances," stated the Foundation.
Meanwhile, said: "We estimate that under the impact of a large commercial aircraft against spent nuclear fuel tank would be released to the atmosphere equivalent to 10 times Chernobyl."
here In the country. Argentina has two operating nuclear plants and a third under construction. From the Bariloche Atomic Center say the Japanese nuclear accident could not occur in the country. In Argentina, nuclear plants are located in areas of low seismic risk.
Which . Operating nuclear plants are Atucha 1, in the Buenos Aires de Zarate, and the other in Embalse, Córdoba. Provide seven percent of energy distributed by the national grid. A third nuclear power plant, Atucha 2, is still under construction.
light water. In Japan, the complex that suffered the accident of light water reactors as a coolant boiling. These reactors provide 30 percent of electricity consumed in the country.
Heavy water. Here, have power reactors, pressurized heavy water as coolant and moderator.
More Information:
BBC - Japan: new explosion at the Fukushima nuclear plant
- EFE - not rule out partial melting of the core reactor 2
- EFE - Merkel suspend the extension of nuclear energy
- Telam - Japan: 2 reactor cooling fails and there is danger ...
- BBC - Japan: the risks of radiation health
- IPS - Japan prays to avoid nuclear disaster
Country / Region : Japan - International
nuclear alarm in Japan for rethinking security in the different plants. In Europe will meet those responsible for nuclear safety to assess the possible consequences.
Spain. The nuclear debate, never slept at all, is reopened now since it became known the threat of nuclear plants in Japan, such as Fukushima. Now panic ensues nuclear tragedy and the situation that Japan experienced in the country led many countries to rethink the safety of their plants or at least that the debate gather strength.

nuclear plants produce about a third of the energy consumed in the European Union. This is why Brussels yesterday convened an emergency meeting of heads of nuclear safety with manufacturers and plant operators, "to assess the consequences of the accident in Fukushima take note of lessons learned. "
In Spain. The Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Miguel Sebastian, soon to leave to ensure that nuclear power plants in Spain "are safe."
Sebastian recalled that the Government "has made a bid for the replacement of plants, provided they meet life which is estimated at 40 years and said the nuclear power park" is young and safe " .
in Germany. Angela Merkel pledged to review the safety of all German nuclear power plants. "We know that our plants are safe, but we must analyze the situation after what happened in Japan, "said Merkel. He cautioned, however, is not the time not thinking about the "changes" in energy policy of his Government.
Following the accident at the Japanese plant, the opposition stepped up its demands to abandon this source of energy, as adopted in 2000. According to this plan, the last of the 17 German nuclear plants should be turned off in 2021. The current center-right government of Merkel abrogated that agreement and agreed to extend the life of the plants an average of 12 years, eight for more 14 years old and the modern.
in France. The country does not think about rethinking Gallo. The French Industry Minister, Eric Besson, defended the safety of his country's nuclear plants. "All nuclear power plants were designed in France watching the seismic and flood risks," he said. France has 58 nuclear reactors providing 80 percent of the country's energy consumption.
In Cordoba. In Argentina there was no official communication about it. However, in certain sectors of the province are concerned about nuclear power dam. The Foundation for Environmental Defense (Funam), headed by biologist Raúl Montenegro, warned months ago that "the Embalse nuclear power is one of the highest environmental and health risk of the country, and this risk increases with age -33 years, the possible extension of life -25 years over-the rising cost of security and the possibility of accidents and terrorist acts. "
addition, at the same time, he cautioned that "this increased risk is also due to the increasing amount of spent nuclear fuel stored on site." FUNAM said "never simulations were the worst event possible. "
"In case of accident most massive discharge of radioactive materials into the air, the negative effects of radioactive contamination could spread to hundreds of kilometers of the plant, and even greater distances," stated the Foundation.
Meanwhile, said: "We estimate that under the impact of a large commercial aircraft against spent nuclear fuel tank would be released to the atmosphere equivalent to 10 times Chernobyl."
here In the country. Argentina has two operating nuclear plants and a third under construction. From the Bariloche Atomic Center say the Japanese nuclear accident could not occur in the country. In Argentina, nuclear plants are located in areas of low seismic risk.
Which . Operating nuclear plants are Atucha 1, in the Buenos Aires de Zarate, and the other in Embalse, Córdoba. Provide seven percent of energy distributed by the national grid. A third nuclear power plant, Atucha 2, is still under construction.
light water. In Japan, the complex that suffered the accident of light water reactors as a coolant boiling. These reactors provide 30 percent of electricity consumed in the country.
Heavy water. Here, have power reactors, pressurized heavy water as coolant and moderator.
More Information:
BBC - Japan: new explosion at the Fukushima nuclear plant
- EFE - not rule out partial melting of the core reactor 2
- EFE - Merkel suspend the extension of nuclear energy
- Telam - Japan: 2 reactor cooling fails and there is danger ...
- BBC - Japan: the risks of radiation health
- IPS - Japan prays to avoid nuclear disaster
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