Nuclear Crisis in Japan: Fukushima uncontrolled
Nuclear Forum ensures that the accident Fukushima is "controlled"
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Names Of Cultural Fest In Offices
: 13/03/2011
Source: EFE
Country / Region : International
Thanks to these measures, the president of the Nuclear Forum argues that "no external emissions occurring above permissible levels to the population. "
But Dominguez has acknowledged that" we are facing a difficult situation and that is why, following safety protocols have been evacuated to the population within of 20 kilometers. "
However, Dominguez said that "purges abroad are being controlled" and "no why did not affect the people "by what he called" the calm ".
" With the data we have, the situation is under control because they are keeping the two most important security features in a reactor: maintain containment and cool by discharge of waste heat, and as this occurs we say that the situation is under control, "he underlined.
Dominguez has appealed" for calm "because in his view," protocols are being followed that are central to these extraordinary situations, and that gives assurance that the plants, in extreme situations, operating protocols and controlled manner. "
Nuclear Forum chairperson ensures that the governing body is getting first hand information and real time on the Japanese central part of the power company that operates Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO), and the World Nuclear Association.
The core meltdown, the most serious accident at a nuclear power
failures of cooling systems suffer from three reactors nuclear plants in Japan following the earthquake last Friday have triggered the alarm about a possible catastrophe atomic. Continue reading the printed article
The meltdown is one of the most serious accidents that may occur in a nuclear reactor plant as a result of nuclear fuel to overheat, which can trigger the release of radioactive material to atmosphere.
FEATURES: The high temperatures achieved nuclear fuel due to lack of cooling can melt the heart (which goes from solid to liquid) and destroy the structure of the reactor vessel.
In this process, which can be total or partial isotopes are released there are radioactive fuel, and can cause an explosion that causes a radioactive leak.
CAUSES: Some of the possible power failure that can cause an accident are related to the loss of fuel cooling, an increase in reactor power or the malfunctioning of containment systems.
A loss of coolant accident is an increase in temperature can cause the fuel to overcome the safety limitations. You can reach temperatures that produce a meltdown if they prevail for long enough.
Another cause of loss is the uncontrolled increase in reactor power, which can cause almost instantaneous fusion of nuclear fuel. Although there has been no incident of this kind to date, is scientifically probable.
To retain the radioactive products that can escape from a nuclear reactor accident, the plants incorporate a containment building that encloses the steam generator.
The malfunctioning of this system, though not the source of the claim, may become the trigger for the release of radioactivity into the atmosphere.
IMPLICATIONS: The release of large quantities of radioactive material has serious effects on public health and the environment.
At the core of a nuclear reactor there are more than 60 radioactive contaminants from the fission of uranium with potential for accumulation in the human body.
iodine, strontium 90 and cesium (C-137) are among the most harmful pollutants to human health.
The environment also suffers from the potential consequences of radiation unleashed by the meltdown.
Pollution nuclear is deposited on the ground and at sea and enters the food chain of living beings through a process of bioaccumulation.
SAFETY: Accidents caused by core damage can be mitigated by the recovery of nuclear fuel sufficient cooling through water injection systems in the nucleus.
accidents can also be prevented by designing an appropriate containment system to retain the fuel overheated and prevent leakage of radioactive material.
CORE MELT ACCIDENT: The current threat of a catastrophe nuclear plant in Fukushima I is a clear example of the risks of a fusion core.
The Japanese central and has undergone partial melting of two of its reactors by the lack of cooling following the earthquake and tsunami in the Asian country.
most significant accidents occurred by fusion of the core are the Chernobyl (Ukraine) in 1986 and Three Mile Island (USA) in 1979.
The Chernobyl disaster, the most serious in the history of nuclear energy, was due to the absence of adequate containment system to mitigate the explosion of the reactor core for complete fusion.
The blaze caused thousands of deaths and immeasurable consequences for human health due to pollution caused by the radioactive cloud.
In the accident at the Three Mile Island plant in Harrisburg, the containment building managed to avoid the explosion radioactive release caused by partial melting of the core.
Although not caused deaths, forced the evacuation of thousands of people because of the radioactive cloud.
More Information:
Europa Press - Fukushima's incident marked "a turning ...
- Yahoo News - Problems with the cooling system ...
- EFE - Kan said the Fukushima nuclear plant is in a ...
- EFE - Radiation returns to exceed the legal limit at the nuclear plant
- DNA - Japan: after the quake, there is risk aversion ... a
Source: EFE
Country / Region : International
The president of the English Nuclear Forum, Maria Teresa Dominguez, Efe said today that the accident in reactors 1 and 3 of the Japanese nuclear plant in Fukushima "is controlled", according to information made available to the operator, TEPCO, and the World Nuclear Association (WNA .)
Dominguez has confirmed "that it is injecting water sea \u200b\u200bto cool the reactor core, and is maintaining the integrity of the containment.

Thanks to these measures, the president of the Nuclear Forum argues that "no external emissions occurring above permissible levels to the population. "
But Dominguez has acknowledged that" we are facing a difficult situation and that is why, following safety protocols have been evacuated to the population within of 20 kilometers. "
However, Dominguez said that "purges abroad are being controlled" and "no why did not affect the people "by what he called" the calm ".
" With the data we have, the situation is under control because they are keeping the two most important security features in a reactor: maintain containment and cool by discharge of waste heat, and as this occurs we say that the situation is under control, "he underlined.
Dominguez has appealed" for calm "because in his view," protocols are being followed that are central to these extraordinary situations, and that gives assurance that the plants, in extreme situations, operating protocols and controlled manner. "
Nuclear Forum chairperson ensures that the governing body is getting first hand information and real time on the Japanese central part of the power company that operates Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO), and the World Nuclear Association.
The core meltdown, the most serious accident at a nuclear power
failures of cooling systems suffer from three reactors nuclear plants in Japan following the earthquake last Friday have triggered the alarm about a possible catastrophe atomic. Continue reading the printed article
The meltdown is one of the most serious accidents that may occur in a nuclear reactor plant as a result of nuclear fuel to overheat, which can trigger the release of radioactive material to atmosphere.
FEATURES: The high temperatures achieved nuclear fuel due to lack of cooling can melt the heart (which goes from solid to liquid) and destroy the structure of the reactor vessel.
In this process, which can be total or partial isotopes are released there are radioactive fuel, and can cause an explosion that causes a radioactive leak.
CAUSES: Some of the possible power failure that can cause an accident are related to the loss of fuel cooling, an increase in reactor power or the malfunctioning of containment systems.
A loss of coolant accident is an increase in temperature can cause the fuel to overcome the safety limitations. You can reach temperatures that produce a meltdown if they prevail for long enough.
Another cause of loss is the uncontrolled increase in reactor power, which can cause almost instantaneous fusion of nuclear fuel. Although there has been no incident of this kind to date, is scientifically probable.
To retain the radioactive products that can escape from a nuclear reactor accident, the plants incorporate a containment building that encloses the steam generator.
The malfunctioning of this system, though not the source of the claim, may become the trigger for the release of radioactivity into the atmosphere.
IMPLICATIONS: The release of large quantities of radioactive material has serious effects on public health and the environment.
At the core of a nuclear reactor there are more than 60 radioactive contaminants from the fission of uranium with potential for accumulation in the human body.
iodine, strontium 90 and cesium (C-137) are among the most harmful pollutants to human health.
The environment also suffers from the potential consequences of radiation unleashed by the meltdown.
Pollution nuclear is deposited on the ground and at sea and enters the food chain of living beings through a process of bioaccumulation.
SAFETY: Accidents caused by core damage can be mitigated by the recovery of nuclear fuel sufficient cooling through water injection systems in the nucleus.
accidents can also be prevented by designing an appropriate containment system to retain the fuel overheated and prevent leakage of radioactive material.
CORE MELT ACCIDENT: The current threat of a catastrophe nuclear plant in Fukushima I is a clear example of the risks of a fusion core.
The Japanese central and has undergone partial melting of two of its reactors by the lack of cooling following the earthquake and tsunami in the Asian country.
most significant accidents occurred by fusion of the core are the Chernobyl (Ukraine) in 1986 and Three Mile Island (USA) in 1979.
The Chernobyl disaster, the most serious in the history of nuclear energy, was due to the absence of adequate containment system to mitigate the explosion of the reactor core for complete fusion.
The blaze caused thousands of deaths and immeasurable consequences for human health due to pollution caused by the radioactive cloud.
In the accident at the Three Mile Island plant in Harrisburg, the containment building managed to avoid the explosion radioactive release caused by partial melting of the core.
Although not caused deaths, forced the evacuation of thousands of people because of the radioactive cloud.
More Information:
Europa Press - Fukushima's incident marked "a turning ...
- Yahoo News - Problems with the cooling system ...
- EFE - Kan said the Fukushima nuclear plant is in a ...
- EFE - Radiation returns to exceed the legal limit at the nuclear plant
- DNA - Japan: after the quake, there is risk aversion ... a
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