Ideeleradio / Press Release .- Organizations and individuals, the undersigned, members of Citizens Protecting Citizens Network, which monitors the exercise of rights of young women soldiers and members of our armed forces, target public opinion to state the following:
We found, with deep concern that some candidates for President of the Republic and Congress are in favor of restoring compulsory military service, saying it would be an appropriate route to instill patriotic values \u200b\u200bto our young men and women, and re-educate those who, generically, are called "gang." In time, these positions were answered by leading officers of our armed forces and defense agencies of human rights, considering that it raised was a profound error that was due mainly to a misconception of what should be the military service.
The return to compulsory military service in Peru would be a regression in the realization of rights that would conflict with the guarantees set out in the Constitution and the process of professionalization of our armed forces. In addition, they can not be regarded as rehabilitation centers for young offenders. The purpose of the military is to train and train human resources to ensure the public good is national defense. In this regard, public policy must be clear and establish their specific areas of intervention.
response, we urge the relevant authorities and citizens to join efforts to make the Voluntary Military Service a space in which our young men and women, are effective means to realize their expectations. We believe that the way forward is to ensure the exercise of the rights and benefits entered in the Military Service Act.
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