Our partner Mario Morquencho was invited on February 20 to a literary gathering on National Radio in Boulder program at 8:00 pm. He was with the troubadour Lalo Salazar and Paco Mejorada who is the host of the program. The gathering was interrupted by two live tracks of the troubadour and two poems read by Mario: Rimac and The Three Seven, both of his poems Ciudadelirio . Mario spoke about his collection and how he came to poetry. He also talked about music and told some anecdotes. Here the poems:
annoying to life-I do not know why her, "when I pass the bridge
and I see little notes of love floating in the River Lee.
Suicide "from there?
- No way! - Insurance
not be encouraged to pick up my confused soul from all that shit
frozen under
where the sun and the infinite
close their eyes to not be reflected in the water.
to have come to believe that my watch
went awry, and stopped panting, for making me brave
being more than a minute,
hoping to see some lotus
between the aquatic nausea. No
dared to defecate for those dollars,
only clouds that sometimes spit, or some drunk
voiding decline.
If any of us were fish,
be in those pools would be:
imprisonment contained in the communion of all gases,
or breathe in the bowels of constipated.
I upset a lot with
life when I pass the bridge and see the river,
as a portal similar to those emerging
in science fiction films:
this river is the portal that we aborted
to infinity vomiting
of God.
Here are faces of all colors, faces
princess without a prince,
of sirens in a seafood dish,
of sad children and jelly beans,
of gothic and sinister mazes blue faces with lips
secretary miniskirt
with breasts and buttocks spilling
high levels of morbidity,
faces of old and grumpy fat, obese
sweaty, bald, mustachioed
of, dozers and old green-eyed faces
factory worker eyed
faces "newspaper chicha"
dirty and uninhabitable buildings, roofs
of unreliable and inaccessible
half-built homes and even more invisible ,
cheap advertising faces in every corner, a
graffiti underground, leading faces
an ultrasound on Monday, faces
putean anything,
feature faces that are tired paper,
landscapes and faces of missing planets,
faces hurried to reach any destination, shooting squares
face of ovals hunchbacked
of bypass expressway ruminants and endless,
emergency window faces,
passenger ticket crumpled in the pocket of
Chulio cheat, nervous driver,
decal meaningless protest poster ,
"Let's strike," "No to unemployment", "Yes to all" consumptive poles faces
and sick semaphore
undecided, no destination signs, filled Whereabouts
mutual tardiness,
faces hanging stars, comets
to draw anything other than a face, faces
forget that
not named or no description,
face of all routine and repetitive scenes,
decadent and ironic
old movie premieres,
Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Monday, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday at the end your face,
mine, theirs,
annoying to life-I do not know why her, "when I pass the bridge
and I see little notes of love floating in the River Lee.
Suicide "from there?
- No way! - Insurance
not be encouraged to pick up my confused soul from all that shit
frozen under
where the sun and the infinite
close their eyes to not be reflected in the water.
to have come to believe that my watch
went awry, and stopped panting, for making me brave
being more than a minute,
hoping to see some lotus
between the aquatic nausea. No
dared to defecate for those dollars,
only clouds that sometimes spit, or some drunk
voiding decline.
If any of us were fish,
be in those pools would be:
imprisonment contained in the communion of all gases,
or breathe in the bowels of constipated.
I upset a lot with
life when I pass the bridge and see the river,
as a portal similar to those emerging
in science fiction films:
this river is the portal that we aborted
to infinity vomiting
of God.
Here are faces of all colors, faces
princess without a prince,
of sirens in a seafood dish,
of sad children and jelly beans,
of gothic and sinister mazes blue faces with lips
secretary miniskirt
with breasts and buttocks spilling
high levels of morbidity,
faces of old and grumpy fat, obese
sweaty, bald, mustachioed
of, dozers and old green-eyed faces
factory worker eyed
faces "newspaper chicha"
dirty and uninhabitable buildings, roofs
of unreliable and inaccessible
half-built homes and even more invisible ,
cheap advertising faces in every corner, a
graffiti underground, leading faces
an ultrasound on Monday, faces
putean anything,
feature faces that are tired paper,
landscapes and faces of missing planets,
faces hurried to reach any destination, shooting squares
face of ovals hunchbacked
of bypass expressway ruminants and endless,
emergency window faces,
passenger ticket crumpled in the pocket of
Chulio cheat, nervous driver,
decal meaningless protest poster ,
"Let's strike," "No to unemployment", "Yes to all" consumptive poles faces
and sick semaphore
undecided, no destination signs, filled Whereabouts
mutual tardiness,
faces hanging stars, comets
to draw anything other than a face, faces
forget that
not named or no description,
face of all routine and repetitive scenes,
decadent and ironic
old movie premieres,
Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Monday, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday at the end your face,
mine, theirs,
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