Nuclear Crisis in Japan: a 5-level rise
Japan rose to a level 5 the severity of the accident in Fukushima
Friday, March 18, 2011
Which Episode Vegeta Likes Bulma
Release Date: 18/03/2011
Source : EFE
Country / Region : Japan - International
experts today are trying to cool the reactor number 3, which yesterday dumped 64 tons of water from tankers and military helicopters, while trying to revive the power to external cables to help the cooling system.
About seven trucks of equipment for 30 of the Tokyo Fire Department come in shifts to the reactor at intervals of five to ten minutes and spray it with water for several seconds before exiting again to make way for the next round.
is expected that this operation was launched on 50 tons of reactor water, according to public broadcaster NHK, which showed how the unit 3 out columns of steam or white smoke.
The reactor number 3 has problems with the fuel storage pool, with the decrease of water that covers it to prevent overheating.
Although yesterday's operations were able to introduce liquid into the pool, officials believe the central level is still too low and there is the possibility that the temperature rises.
Latest radioactivity measurements taken at a mile west of reactor number 2 indicate that levels have fallen since early Monday, according to the local agency Kyodo.
The director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Japanese Yukiya Amano, arrived in Tokyo to monitor the crisis and to gather information firsthand.
Meanwhile, legislators, local governments and members of rescue teams agreed today with a minute of silence at 14.46 local time (05.46 GMT) the exact moment that the earthquake of 9 degrees on the Richter scale shook the northeast.
in Miyagi province, whose capital is Sendai, local government officials also held a minute's silence in the morning in memory of the victims, many of which were registered in this area, one of the most devastated.
And what did the senators in the Upper House of Japan, which today held its first meeting after the earthquake.
Nipponese authorities today increased to 6539 the death toll from the earthquake on March 11, which already exceeds the number of victims to the 1995 Kobe earthquake.
The earthquake in Kobe (Japan Center), of 7.2 magnitude on the Richter scale, caused the January 17, 1995 killed an estimated 6,400 people.
So far, the Kobe earthquake was the most serious in recent years in Japan, a country located in the middle of the Pacific Ring of Fire and recorded numerous earthquakes, although most have no serious consequences for the strict building codes in force.
Earlier, on September 1, 1923, known as the Kanto earthquake that occurred in the Tokyo region, where most houses were of wood, caused 140,000 dead.
Thousands of people are still without being located in coastal provinces of Miyagi, Iwate and Fukushima, that the tsunami almost wiped off the map.
The increase to Level 5 Nipponese authorities granted by the state of the central concerns of nuclear accidents "with far-reaching consequences", while grade 4, which kept him so far, defined to accidents "with consequences at the local."
radioactivity around the nuclear plant, operational since 1971, Japan led the government to evacuate nearly 230,000 people within a radius of 20 km and recommend those that are between 20 and 30 miles from the plant to remain in their homes with doors and windows closed.
In the midst of so much destruction, Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, was now convinced that the country will be "able to emerge from the crisis."
"Japan will rebuild again," said Khan, who acknowledged that the nuclear plant in Fukushima is "serious", but had an impact on "no room for pessimism."
More Information:
BBC - Japan: a solution "to the Chernobyl nuclear plant for?
- BBC - The environmental cost of abandoning nuclear energy
- Reuters - The UN recorded a wide range of radionuclides ...
- EFE - Increase the temperature in the pools of waste ...
- EP - Detects elevated 30 km Fukushima
- IPS - Disaster in Japan could be worse than Chernobyl
Source : EFE
Country / Region : Japan - International
Japan raised the severity of the accident in Fukushima at level 5, while army trucks resumed today the release of water into the building that houses the reactor number 3, if one week of the earthquake and tsunami that caused the nuclear crisis.
Nuclear Safety Agency of Japan raised the severity of the accident from Level 4 to 5 on the International Scale Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) of between 0 and 7 while the police rose to 17,230 the number of victims killed and 10,319 missing 6911-registered the greatest tragedy in Japan in the last 140 years.

experts today are trying to cool the reactor number 3, which yesterday dumped 64 tons of water from tankers and military helicopters, while trying to revive the power to external cables to help the cooling system.
About seven trucks of equipment for 30 of the Tokyo Fire Department come in shifts to the reactor at intervals of five to ten minutes and spray it with water for several seconds before exiting again to make way for the next round.
is expected that this operation was launched on 50 tons of reactor water, according to public broadcaster NHK, which showed how the unit 3 out columns of steam or white smoke.
The reactor number 3 has problems with the fuel storage pool, with the decrease of water that covers it to prevent overheating.
Although yesterday's operations were able to introduce liquid into the pool, officials believe the central level is still too low and there is the possibility that the temperature rises.
Latest radioactivity measurements taken at a mile west of reactor number 2 indicate that levels have fallen since early Monday, according to the local agency Kyodo.
The director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Japanese Yukiya Amano, arrived in Tokyo to monitor the crisis and to gather information firsthand.
Meanwhile, legislators, local governments and members of rescue teams agreed today with a minute of silence at 14.46 local time (05.46 GMT) the exact moment that the earthquake of 9 degrees on the Richter scale shook the northeast.
in Miyagi province, whose capital is Sendai, local government officials also held a minute's silence in the morning in memory of the victims, many of which were registered in this area, one of the most devastated.
And what did the senators in the Upper House of Japan, which today held its first meeting after the earthquake.
Nipponese authorities today increased to 6539 the death toll from the earthquake on March 11, which already exceeds the number of victims to the 1995 Kobe earthquake.
The earthquake in Kobe (Japan Center), of 7.2 magnitude on the Richter scale, caused the January 17, 1995 killed an estimated 6,400 people.
So far, the Kobe earthquake was the most serious in recent years in Japan, a country located in the middle of the Pacific Ring of Fire and recorded numerous earthquakes, although most have no serious consequences for the strict building codes in force.
Earlier, on September 1, 1923, known as the Kanto earthquake that occurred in the Tokyo region, where most houses were of wood, caused 140,000 dead.
Thousands of people are still without being located in coastal provinces of Miyagi, Iwate and Fukushima, that the tsunami almost wiped off the map.
The increase to Level 5 Nipponese authorities granted by the state of the central concerns of nuclear accidents "with far-reaching consequences", while grade 4, which kept him so far, defined to accidents "with consequences at the local."
radioactivity around the nuclear plant, operational since 1971, Japan led the government to evacuate nearly 230,000 people within a radius of 20 km and recommend those that are between 20 and 30 miles from the plant to remain in their homes with doors and windows closed.
In the midst of so much destruction, Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, was now convinced that the country will be "able to emerge from the crisis."
"Japan will rebuild again," said Khan, who acknowledged that the nuclear plant in Fukushima is "serious", but had an impact on "no room for pessimism."
More Information:
BBC - Japan: a solution "to the Chernobyl nuclear plant for?
- BBC - The environmental cost of abandoning nuclear energy
- Reuters - The UN recorded a wide range of radionuclides ...
- EFE - Increase the temperature in the pools of waste ...
- EP - Detects elevated 30 km Fukushima
- IPS - Disaster in Japan could be worse than Chernobyl
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